The story of Kappa Sigma's annual mission trip to Africa...
Every year since 2016, the Delta Chi chapter of Kappa Sigma has sent representatives from its chapter in Starkville, MS to serve orphans and vulnerable children in Lesotho, Africa. Through this trip, and their annual Charity Classic benefitting Reclaimed Project, Kappa Sigma has:
- Helped our partners in Lesotho produce over 100,000 eggs for orphans by helping us launch a sustainable chicken business.
- Funded trips and traveled to build two care centers in Lesotho, Africa.
- Built two fun-filled playgrounds (the only two of their kind available to children for a 50 mile radius).
- Helped install over 1 kilometer of fencing to begin a small livestock business for the care centers.
- Helped construct a skills training center to equip orphans and vulnerable children with much needed education.
- Construct 11homes for some of the orphaned children in our programs.
This year Kappa Sigma is headed back to Lesotho for Spring Break March 7-16, 2025. Thank you for partnering with us to bring hope to vulnerable children in Lesotho, Africa. Each trip participant needs to raise $1,750.00 to go on their trip. We would love for you to consider giving financially to help make this life-changing trip possible for these young men. Please pray with us that each participant will meet their fundraising goals and be able to go and serve in Lesotho over spring break. Make sure to share this fundraising page with your friends and family, too.
You can also mail in a check to the Reclaimed office at:
Reclaimed Project
3327 Old Canton Rd
Jackson, MS 39216
Please make checks out to "Reclaimed Project", and in the memo line write "Kappa Sigma Mission Trip" and on a separate sheet of paper/sticky note write whose trip the money should go towards.